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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lesson 1: Stretching the Horses Neck and Back

Tutorial Video

Two Basic Stretching Techniques

            Sometimes we get muscle cramps that we need to stretch or even massage to feel better. The same thing with horses. Just like human athletes, horses also need to have their muscles stretched and ready for a hard workout. If a muscle is not flexible enough or properly prepared for any required exercise, it will not be able to take the pressure of the work which will increase the risk of getting a muscle strain or injury. That is why horses need to be properly flat worked to build their muscles. These muscles need maintenance and care. There are two main reasons for stretching horses muscles:
  1.           To get the muscles prepared for the upcoming hard workout
  2.        To improve the range of movement and flexibility of particular muscles and joints.

This could also be useful for horses who are coming back from an injury or horses that are being prepared for a heavy workout routine. Both rider and his/her horse would enjoy spending some quality time trying to implement different kinds of useful stretches. This also helps create a bond between you and your horse.

Please subscribe with us on our YouTube page and stay tuned for more interesting tutorials. Have a wonderful day everyone! 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Safety First

Preventing dangerous riding injuries

Minimize the risks

Risks of Horseback riding

As we all sports have risks. Horseback riding can be as dangerous as any other sport that is why a rider is required to wear the required uniform for safety. Research has proven that you are 20 times more likely to have an accident in horseback riding than riding a bike.You never know when something might go wrong. A horse can be jumping a fence then trips and flips over with the rider or a horse could get spooked by something and starts acting up. Some injuries that could occur from riding a horse might not be from a fall it could also occur from improper riding. That’s why there are safety equipment available for all riders from helmets to back braces. Wearing a helmet can prevent brain concussions; head cuts, and avoid many other injuries. As for the back brace it helps secure the back of the rider and protect it from any injury that could be caused by falling off a horse. Horse’s strength is incomparable to humans, no matter how advanced you are you could still fall off a horse and might hurt yourself. Not only that, we should not forget that all riders should have an instructor there to guide them and teach them how to ride and control their horses. Since horses have different personalities, all riders should develop themselves to learn how to control any horse they ride.  

Taking care of our horses

Let’s not forget our horses! They also need to be protected from injuries and taken care of. There are many equipment and horse ware that would serve well to our beautiful horses such as front and back boots for riding. These boots are used to shield and protect the horses’ leg from any hit that could harm their feet. Another safety equipment used for horse care are horse body bandages. These bandages are used for horses who have strong legged riders who wear spurs on their feet. It protects the horse’s skin from getting irritated or bleeding, if the rider was not careful enough while using the spurs. All equestrians should also look out for the quality of food they feed their horses and groom their horse’s coat.

Here’s a small survey that is suitable for all you horse lovers who care about their horses safety and theirs.

My Horse and I on Cloud 9


Passion for horses  

 My horse Ciado and I Summer 2013 all tacked up with love
There’s no greater feeling than riding a horse. Don’t you think! Each drum like stride pounding against the ground creating a beat to the riders heart and music to the ears. The passion for such majestic animals and love that they share with us is sensational. As they “To ride a horse is to ride the sky”, they give you wings that you always wished for to fly and in riding them we borrow freedom. It is almost indescribable the magnificent feeling of bonding with a horse, it’s like you share one soul when being a team with your horse.   

Basic knowledge for beginners

Having a horse is a great responsibility, they require a lot of your time, care, and attention . Not only do they have to be ridden and taken out daily but they also need to be tacked up well and nice for both their safety and the riders safety. As we all know there is a certain uniform to wear when riding for equestrians and there are also a wide variety of horse tack. The basic things that each rider needs to have on while riding are:
  •          Breaches/Jodhpurs
  •         Boots
  •         Helmet

These are the important basic elements each rider has. Let’s not forget our horses now! They too need to be ready. The basic and mandatory tack for all horses are:
  •          Saddles
  •         Bridles
  •         Saddle pad
  •         Front and back boots

Some of my favorites sites that I shop from online for both my horse and I are Equiline and Tailored Equestrian. You can contact me by email  for any questions or leave a comment. Have a nice day and remember to take good care of your horses.